Wednesday, February 12, 2014

People like the ipad more than other things in the valentine day

Talking to the gift for the valentine day, people may think the traditional gift such as chocolate, jewelry, clothes. That is the old style of the gift for long time ago. Your friends can guess what are you going to give for them, so that make the valentine gift become boring and no surprise for your friends. Looking for the other things that makes your boyfriends and girlfriends more likely surprise your gifts is the thing makes you guys can not eat all day in the valentine day,  because you do not know what are you going to give the best gift to take credit from them. In this article, I am going to give you guys the new trend that people expected to have in the valentine day.

The researcher in the UK have been survey for 1000 people and ask them what are they going to be like the gift in the valentine day. The top answer in thousand of people is Ipad. That is really surprise for everyone. The answer is not just ipad the playstation 4 of sony is the also on the most answers.

On the statistics of the UK researcher give us : There are much people who are 55 years old like the ipad, and people who from 18 to 24 want to receive the chocolate and flower. 

Even Though, ipad is the best gift but the guess is chocolate and flower is going to see a lot because there are less people choose the expensive thing for their friends. 
This research in the UK but in the other countries ipad is also the best gift for all event day. If you would like to take a good credit of your friends and do not care about money, ipad is the best choice.

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